What will happen in STRIDE: Jagiellonian University (JU)

The Jagiellonian University team: Magdalena Ślusarczyk, Maria Świątkiewicz-Mośny and Julia Michcik are currently developing key ideas for a report on education policies and systems. Coordinated by Jagiellonian University and VIA University College, this phase of the project focuses on understanding and comparing education reforms aimed at rectifying inequalities in education and learning outcomes across Europe. In collaboration with Simon Nørgaard Iversen from VIA and with the support of all partners, , we have gathered  data on the education system and reforms in all European countries. At the recent consortium meeting in Athens, we presented the structure of the report and a preliminary overview of the education systems. and discussed approaches to data analysis. 

In the coming months, the Jagiellonian University team will organise and analyse the collected data.. While there is a lot of work ahead, colleagues from JU  are excited to explore and compare the diverse education systems of 29 countries as well as to trace education reforms over the past twenty-five years, and identify trends, patterns of change and good practices that promote equal educational opportunities.

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