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BRiDGE – Connecting research, policy and practice

The BRiDGE Project supports the European Union’s aim to bridge
BRiDGE Project Logothe gap between research and policy. To be effective, education policy research and development needs to be supported by collaboration and critical reflection. The project will address existing gaps between the knowledge and expertise of Higher Education institution-based researchers, practitioners in civil society organisations, and policy-makers, that prevent the effective connection of evidence with policy-making.



G-EPIC – Empowering Girls in Politics from the Classroom

G-EPIC Project LogoDesigned to boost the political self-confidence of girls experiencing multiple forms of disadvantage, G-EPIC aims to reduce gender inequality in politics and make citizenship education more inclusive. The results of G-EPIC will be translated into policy briefs and an international best-practice toolbox to foster gender equity in politics, inspiring more girls to engage in political activities as they grow.



CHILD-UP – Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading policies of Participation

CHILD-UP Project Logo

CHILD-UP researched different levels of integration of migrant children in Europe with the primary aim of proposing an innovative approach to improve their social condition and to disseminate the project outcomes by involving relevant national and international stakeholders.



Moving beyond good intentions – a method to transcend teachers’ ethnic-racialized understandings of students

This PhD project, lead by Ditte Holch Jensen at VIA University College in Denmark, aims to address the possibility of overcoming ethnic minorities’ unequal opportunities in education by providing teachers with methodical reflection strategies in relation to ethnic minority students and school practices. Using ethnographic action research in close collaboration with six teachers, the objective of the project is to develop new methods for teachers to reflect on and transform implicit and tacit biases in their understanding and practices. Through identifying biased practices in interactions with students and exploring alternative courses of action, this project forms part of VIA’s strategic effort to promote greater equity within the school.

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