To foster networking and contribute to expand the knowledge base on inequalities in education, the STRIDE consortium will pay particular attention to liaising with other related initiatives, including those selected under the call HORIZON-CL2-2023-TRANSFORMATIONS-01-06 and having similar objectives to the ones of STRIDE:

LINEup – Longitudinal Data for INequalities in Education

LINEUP Project Logo

LINEup aims at identifying key success factors for quality education for all, by mapping and analysing the research design and findings of existing longitudinal data on students’ learning outcomes at primary and secondary level in 31 countries. The research takes a mixed-method approach. It focuses on students’ education outcomes, such as performance or cognitive development, but also looks at student engagement with school as a key malleable factor to support students’ learning and development.



LEARN – Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing iNequalities

LEARN Project Logo

The LEARN (Longitudinal Educational Achievements: Reducing Inequalities) project adopts a longitudinal approach to shed light on patterns of inequality. By examining short-, medium-, and long-term trends, LEARN aims to support educational policymaking with robust, evidence-based interventions.

LEARN utilises a case study methodology in nine carefully selected countries that represent the diverse educational systems of Europe. This approach allows for the mapping and collection of existing data, providing original analyses of various high-quality longitudinal educational datasets across Europe.



MapIE – Mapping of Longitudinal Data of Inequalities in Education

MapIE Project Logo

The MapIE project aims to identify mechanisms causing educational inequalities and policies or interventions compensating for them. They do a systematic review of how these have been studied internationally using longitudinal designs.




REVERS-ED Project Logo

REVERS-ED will study existing educational interventions, practices and actions that have been proven to be successful in reversing inequalities in diverse contexts, with a particular focus on their longitudinal impact. Such scientific evidence will provide an in-depth understanding of how these successful actions are reversing inequalities through education and, therefore, it will contribute to transferring them to more and diverse contexts.


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