What Will Happen in STRIDE? Understanding Policy Analysis and Meta-Analysis in Education

STRIDE project focuses on exploring and analyzing policies addressing inequalities in education across Europe. This initiative seeks to deliver new insights into how national and regional education reforms influence equity and inclusion in education systems through comprehensive research. STRIDE aims to provide a foundation for a better understanding of the systemic factors shaping educational outcomes.

The research area of the project not only evaluates past and present reforms but also offers a roadmap for developing more equitable policies in the future. To achieve this goal, STRIDE examines reforms implemented over the past 25 years in Europe that specifically focus on their role in reducing inequalities in education.

The STRIDE research team employs several strategies to carry out this work. A collaborative effort across multiple consortium members ensures a diverse and inclusive approach to data collection and analysis. The project captures a holistic view of educational reforms across Europe by leveraging extensive databases such as Eurydice, which is a network of 43 national units based in all 38 countries of the Erasmus+ programme and documents how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work, Youth Wiki which is Europe’s online encyclopedia containing information on European countries’ youth policies and a comprehensive database of national structures, policies and actions supporting young people, and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

In addition to examining the policy documents and databases, the project applies innovative methodologies to map the impact of these reforms. Using a critical hermeneutic approach, the analysis identifies patterns and key factors that contribute to progress toward equity and inclusion in education.

By examining the effects of policy interventions over time, STRIDE identifies trends that provide valuable insights into how reforms can better address inequalities in educational outcomes. These findings will be synthesized and integrated into future deliverables, including an interactive map and a policy toolbox that will serve as practical resources for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders across Europe.

Through its comprehensive approach, the policy analysis and meta-analysis workstream of STRIDE contributes to the broader goal of building inclusive education systems. By identifying and sharing evidence-based practices, the project fosters collaboration and drives progress toward equitable and inclusive educational opportunities for all.


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